
Malines Documents

Renew Thy wonders in this our day, as by a new Pentecost...

Pope John XXIII, 1962, prayer for Vatican II

Malines Document I: Theological and Pastoral Orientations on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal

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Watch Facebook Live Teachings with Father Boniface Hicks, OSB:

Part 1: The Ecclesial Context of the Renewal
Part 2: Theological Basis of the Charismatic Renewal
Part 3: Special Areas of Theological Concern
Part 4: Questions for Evaluation
Part 5: Pastoral Orientations

About the Malines Documents

What are the Malines Documents?

Prepared in Malines, Belgium, the six Malines Documents were created by leaders of the Renewal from around the world and reviewed by six theologians including Joseph Ratzinger. The documents were prepared as a guide to the Renewal under the direction of Cardinal Suenens. Read the Malines Documents @

What is the Renewal?

Cardinal Léon-Joseph Suenens described the Renewal as: "not a specific Movement; the Renewal is not a Movement in the common sociological sense; it does not have founders, it is not homogeneous and it includes a great variety of realities; it is a current of grace, a renewing breath of the Spirit for all members of the Church, laity, religious, priests and bishops. It is a challenge for us all. One does not form part of the Renewal, rather, the Renewal becomes a part of us provided that we accept the grace it offers us."

How did the Renewal begin in the Catholic Church?

In 1967, twenty-five Duquesne students retreated at The Ark & The Dove in Pittsburgh, which is "the humble place where the 'new Pentecost' in the Catholic Church began," according to Father Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM, the appointed Preacher to the Papal Household for Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis. Learn more @

How has the Renewal grown since 1967?

According to Catholic World Report as of 2013, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal had grown from the 25 college students in Pittsburgh to over 160 million members in over 230 countries throughout the world.